PC Gamer (Italian) 46
PC Gamer IT CD 46 2-2.iso
Text File
288 lines
object frmLicense: TfrmLicense
Left = 204
Top = 171
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BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
Caption = 'Agenda-Max License Agreement'
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object btnOK: TButton
Left = 292
Top = 184
Width = 75
Height = 25
Cancel = True
Caption = 'OK'
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 0
object mmoLicense: TMemo
Left = 12
Top = 8
Width = 353
Height = 165
Lines.Strings = (
'Software License Agreement'
'You are allowed to evaluate our software as often as you like (f' +
'or 30 '
'days). After that if you wish to continue using our software you' +
' must '
'register. '
'To register this software, please click on Help|Register within ' +
'the '
'program and follow the on-screen instructions.'
'JSoft Consulting'
'1702 W Camelback Rd #241'
'Phoneix, AZ 85015-3347'
'602-495-1294 Fax: 602-495-1294'
'For technical support please contact support@jsoftconsulting.com' +
'Should you buy our Software, your acceptance of this license '
'agreement will be transferred to your registered copy. This Soft' +
'ware '
'incorporates our software which includes its code (source and '
'compiled), documentation (printed and/or electronic), appearance' +
', '
'structure and organization which is a proprietary product of JSo' +
'ft '
'Consulting and is protected by copyright and other laws.'
'Once you have fully complied with the registration and payment '
'procedures, JSoft Consulting shall grant you a license to instal' +
'l and '
'use the Software on one (1) computer system.'
'The Software is copyright 1983-99 JSoft Consulting. Portions are' +
' '
'copyright Microsoft, Borland, MicroHelp, Inc., WinWare, Inc. and' +
' '
'VideoSoft. '
'You may make copies of the Software and provide it to others, as' +
' long '
'as this package is not altered or modified in any way, shape or ' +
'form '
'and they agree to abide by the terms and provisions of this lice' +
'Any attempt to decompile, disassemble or otherwise reduce the '
'Software to a human readable form or otherwise alter the Softwar' +
'e '
'automatically terminates this license. You may also be liable fo' +
'r '
'damages suffered by JSoft Consulting. Except as stated within, t' +
'his '
'license does not grant you any rights to patents, copyrights, tr' +
'ade '
'secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregist' +
'ered) '
'or any other rights, franchises or licenses in respect to the So' +
'Title to and ownership of the Software, reproductions of the Sof' +
'tware '
'and all supporting documentation, whether in electronic or print' +
'ed '
'form, shall remain with JSoft Consulting.'
'You will not adapt or use any trademark or trade name which is l' +
'ikely '
'to be similar to or confusing to the Software or take any other ' +
'action '
'which impairs or reduces the trademark rights of JSoft Consultin' +
'g. '
'Nothing in this license shall exclude any statutory rights, warr' +
'anties or '
'conditions which are applicable to this license or the Software ' +
'and '
'which under any applicable legislation may not be excluded.'
'If permitted by such legislation, however, JSoft Consulting'#39's li' +
'ability for '
'any breach of any such warranty or condition shall be and is her' +
'eby '
'limited to either the resupply of, or the correction of any defe' +
'ct in the '
'Software, as JSoft Consulting at his sole discretion may determi' +
'This license is effective until terminated. '
'This license will terminate automatically without notice if you ' +
'fail to '
'comply with any of the terms or provisions of this license.'
'Upon termination of this license you must erase the Software and' +
' all '
'copies in your possession.'
'You may terminate this license at any time by erasing the Softwa' +
're and '
'all copies in your possession. Upon termination of this license ' +
'for '
'whatever reason you will lose any and all rights this license ma' +
'y have '
'afforded you. To the full extent permissible by law, JSoft Consu' +
'lting '
'hereby excludes all conditions and warranties, whether imposed b' +
'y '
'statute, operation of law or otherwise not expressly set out her' +
'JSoft Consulting does not make any express or implied warranties' +
' or '
'conditions, including, but not limited to, the warranties of '
'merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect' +
' to the '
'No oral or written information or advice given by any person sha' +
'll in '
'any way create a warranty. JSoft Consulting warrants that the '
'Software will perform substantially in accordance with the owner' +
#39's '
'manual and/or on-line help system and that the physical material' +
's '
'(disks and printed manual) are free from physical defects for a ' +
'period '
'of thirty (30) days from date of purchase.'
'Any implied warranties are limited to thirty (30) days. JSoft Co' +
'nsulting'#39's '
'entire liability and your sole and exclusive remedy shall be at ' +
'JSoft '
'Consulting option to: a) correct the error, b) help you work aro' +
'und or '
'avoid the error, or c) authorize a credit or exchange. The limit' +
'ed '
'warranty is void if the failure of the Software results from acc' +
'ident, '
'abuse, misuse or misapplication.'
'JSoft Consulting developed the Software but makes no '
'recommendations regarding its use. '
'JSoft Consulting accepts no responsibility for the functioning o' +
'f the '
'Except as set out in this license, in no event shall JSoft Consu' +
'lting, or '
'any of his agents, be liable for any damages whatsoever, includi' +
'ng, '
'but not limited to, damages arising from loss of business profit' +
's, '
'business interruptions, business information, computer programs,' +
' or '
'any sequential damages of any kind and/or amount. In the event o' +
'f '
'the invalidity of any provision of this license, the parties (JS' +
'oft '
'Consulting and the software user), agree that such invalidity sh' +
'all not '
'effect the validity of the remaining portions of this license.Th' +
'is license '
'will be construed under the laws of the State of Arizona. This l' +
'icense '
'contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with re' +
'spect '
'to all of JSoft Consulting'#39's Software and supercedes all prior '
'agreements whether oral or written.'
'Failure or delay by JSoft Consulting in enforcing any right or p' +
'rovision '
'herein shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or right.')
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object btnAdd: TButton
Left = 208
Top = 184
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Additional...'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = btnAddClick